Today we’re gonna be talking about rolling again, with our side torso muscle.
The muscle is called the quadratus lumborum, or the QL. It’s just here at the back on the side and you can often get this tight if you sit a lot, Stand a lot, or do sports like cycling.
So a good way to release that tightness is with our foam roller here.
So we’re gonna need a foam roller and the ground or a mat.
So we’ll pop that on the ground.
You wanna make sure that you get it on the side but towards the back instead of the front.
So as you place it there, you wanna angle yourself 45 degrees upwards.
Press on that roll up all the way to the hip bone and then back down to the ribcage.
Now along that point there, towards either end, you’re gonna find a tender spot. And you just wanna hold it there for a little bit to let it relax.And then once it’s relaxed, roll up and down again until you find another one and hold it there.You can progress this by lifting your hip up to increase the pressure and the release into that muscle back.
Now if you find that the exercise causes pain or discomfort, then stop straightaway, however it is common to feel a slight discomfort when it’s pressing into a tender spot, but that’s normal. If you do experience pain, then stop straightaway and seek a health professional.
Thank you for watching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]