Frozen Shoulder

Also Known As Adhesive Capsulitis

What is Frozen Shoulder?

It occurs when there is a persistent inflammation at the joint capsule of your shoulder joint. A joint capsule is a thin layer of soft tissues that surrounds the whole shoulder. It affects mostly female and usually around age 40 – 60.

However, many conditions can mimic Frozen Shoulder, such as shoulder nerve entrapment, thoracic joint injury and cervical radiculopathy.

What are the common causes?

Unfortunately, the cause of Frozen Shoulder remains unknown. However, certain factors may increase your risk of developing frozen shoulder.

  • People who have diabetes, thyroid disease, heart disease and/or Parkinson’s disease
  • People who recently had to immobilize their shoulder for a long period such as after surgery
What are the main symptoms?

Frozen shoulder typically develops gradually in 3 stages.  Each stage can last a couple of months.

  • Freezing stage: shoulder pain is the key feature at this stage, and shoulder is starting to get stiff
  • Frozen stage: shoulder pain starts to reduce at this stage, but the shoulder is very stiff
  • Thawing stage: both shoulder pain and stiffness are starting to reduce
How can we help?

Generally, the longer you have had the injury, the longer it will take to recover.  Most of the time, you may assume things will get better by themselves with enough rest.  But this is rarely the case, especially if your pain or other symptoms are stopping you from doing what you normally able to do.  So, take action and get back doing what you love as soon as possible.

What happens if you leave it untreated?

Generally, the longer you have had the injury, the longer it will take to recover. Most of the time, you may assume things will get better by themselves with enough rest. But this is rarely the case, especially if your pain or other symptoms are stopping you from doing what you normally able to do. So, take action and get back doing what you love as soon as possible.

Pain Free Physio and Allied Health

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