Gary Ng

Accredited Practicing Dietitian

Gary Ng

“It is always easy to remember the nutritional information for health improvement, but most people find it difficult to implement them into daily life. I am passionate to provide useful tips and personalize advices to achieve your health goals while supporting and motivating you throughout the whole treatment.”


Gary is a qualified Accredited Practicing Dietitian and a member of the Dietitians Association of Australia. He graduated from the University of Queensland with Bachelor of Applied Science (major in Food Science and Nutrition) and then completed his Master qualification in Dietetics Studies. He had clinical experiences in major hospitals for the past two years to deliver high quality personalized nutritional supports for a wide range of medical and lifestyle conditions. His specific interests are chronic disease management/prevention such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and weight management.

Clinical Focus
  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes
    • Control blood glucose level
    • Managing hyper/hypo situation
    • Prevent development of complex complications
  • Cardiovascular diseases and Hypertension
    • Maintain healthy blood lipid profiles: Cholesterol, triacylglycerol, LDL and HDL
    • Control blood pressure
  • Obesity
    • Sustainable weight loss
  • Renal diseases
    • Prevent further decline of kidney function
    • Managing blood potassium/phosphate level and prevent fluid retention
  • Healthy eating
    • Maintain healthy weight and improve nutritional status.

He has great passion on providing nutrition information to the general public and likes to arrange public speaking to the targeted community based on reliable sources and scientific evidences.

What is Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDS?)

APDs are University qualified experts in nutrition and dietetics. APD can evaluate your nutritional needs and translate up-to-date scientific information into simple and practical dietary advice in order to achieve your healthy goals. As everyone is unique individuals with different health profile, food preferences, dietary pattern and family/work life, there cannot possibly be a ‘one diet fits all’ approach. An APD could set feasible short term goals, design suitable meal plan and personalise dietary advice, educated dietetic knowledge and monitor the process of change and address the barriers in order to support and motivate you to improve your quality of life.

Who can benefit from seeing and APD
  • Diabetes (type1, type 2 and gestational diabetes):It is important for you to understand the foods contain carbohydrate, carbohydrate counts, nutritional label reading, and use of insulin, monitor blood glucose level, and management of hyperglycemia / hypoglycemia.
  • Overweight/underweight Body weight reflects your nutritional status. Overweight or underweight could increase risk of developing different kinds of disease. It is important to understand healthier food choices, portion size in different food groups, nutritional label reading and behavior changes in order to achieve optimal weight.
  • High cholesterol level Excessive Dietary cholesterol and saturated fat intake could increase risk of heart diseases for people with High cholesterol level. Although many of the patients are taking medication to control high cholesterol level, it is suggest to have a healthy eating diet in order to achieve better lipid profile. It is important to reduce saturated fat and replace by unsaturated fat.
  • Hypertension High blood pressure could increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and renal failure. Controlling sodium intake and understanding your daily recommendation on sodium can achieve better outcomes.
  • Pregnancy/ breastfeeding Pregnancy/ breastfeeding woman have a different nutritional requirement than others. It is essential to ensure adequate nutrients intake for the mum to promote healthy growth and development of the baby. In contrast, excessive nutrients intake could leads to high birth weight and increase risk of gestational diabetes.
  • General healthy eating advice Developing a healthy eating diet can reduce the risk of diet-related conditions, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancers.

If you are interested in nutrition related topics, please visit my website:

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